Pro Guide to Build Quality Backlinks for Your Ecommerce Site

You have incredible products, they are kick ass and are 100% better than anything else currently on the market, you have a shiny new website, but when you search in the Google search engine results page, to your dismay the world still isnt aware of just how kick ass your products are. You can in some cases be up against hundreds, thousands, even millions of competitors. Guys who have been in the business for a long time, have aged websites and have been marketing their site way before your products were even a twinkle in your eye, so how do you get your products out to the world? In this article we will touch on how you can increase your rankings in the serp’s (search engine results pages) in search engines like Google and improve your organic traffic to your site via link building for e-commerce.

So what are backlinks? Think of backlinks as vote of confidence back to your site,  a recommendation if you will back to say your ecommerce site and products are trust worthy. This not only drives traffic to your site but also tells search engines that you’re a reputable source, which can boost your ranking. So, the next time someone links to your product page, imagine they have just given your site a huge thumbs up.

So now that you understand what a link is how do you get links? Let’s dive into some effective link building strategies that will have you basking in the glow of quality backlinks in no time. First off, focus on creating content that is so good, it practically begs to be linked back to, like this article you are currently reading hint hint 😉. This could be an epic blog post, an engaging infographic, or even a whimsical video showcasing your ecommerce products. Once you’ve created this treasure trove of content, the next step is to reach out to other website owners and ask them to link back to your site. Just remember, a polite email goes a long way – no one likes a desperate link beggar!  But wait… you don’t know how to find people to link to right? Well keep reading and we will reveal everything, maybe.

Firstly though, before we continue, It is extremely important to not over look the importance of the quality of your content. When it comes to ecommerce link building, your content should be more enticing and not just some all fluff sales pitch. Think about what your audience is looking for and create content that answers their questions. This could include how-to guides, product comparisons, or even industry insights. By crafting content that provides value, you’ll naturally attract backlinks from others who want to share your wisdom. Remember, the goal is to create a link that people actually want to click on.  You should always be focused on creating your content for human eyes not for bots or crawlers. You can optimise your content better for them afterwards.

There are many tools you can use to find back links. The usual subjects such as Ahrefs content explorer, SEMrush Link Building Tool, Link Assistant etc. but today we are going to focus on full manual and how you can do all the heavy lifting yourself by performing searches in Google. We will cover those software in another article. Software can automate the process for you as well so those tools are definitely worth looking into and we will link to each of them at the end of this article.  We recommend you use multiple methods as then you leave nothing on the table and it is good practise to be able to do it with and without tools.  Link building requires a great deal of patience. Time is money and you have to have skin in the game and be persistent.  To become a true link building Dragon Master you have to have patience as it can be extremely tedious and the rejections and no replies hurt man!!!!! 🙂
In Google you can perform searches and utilise different techniques.

Business Directories & Local Citations

These can be great for starting out. All your competitors will most likely be linked in the most popular ones and local citations can help your local SEO by improving your businesses visibility in local searches.

  • your keyword + “business directory” – Find business directories related to your business
  • You can look for guest posts your competitors might have made articles for
    your competitor + “guest post”
    your competitor + “guest article”

Another fantastic way to build backlinks is through guest posting. This involves writing articles for other websites and, in return, including a link back to your ecommerce store. It’s like being invited to a party where you can drop hints about your fabulous products. Just make sure that the sites you’re guest posting on are relevant to your niche; you wouldn’t want to crash a party that’s all about knitting if you’re selling tech gadgets, unless you selling knitting gadgets I guess 🤔

  • inurl:keyphrase blog – This will find blogs that write about your subject matter
  • intitle:keyphrase guest post – this will find possible guest post opportunities
  • keyphrase + “write for us” – This will show you sites looking for your content

Skyscraper Technique

If you find any articles related to your products or services you can utilise The Skyscraper Technique which is a link-building strategy developed by Brian Dean from Backlinko. It involves three key steps:

  1. Find High-Performing Content: Identify popular content in your niche that has already attracted a significant number of backlinks.
    You can then utilise the search methods above to find competitors articles that you can look to improve upon their content.
  2. Create Superior Content: Produce an improved version of the identified content. This can mean making it more comprehensive, up-to-date, visually appealing, or better researched.
  3. Outreach for Backlinks: Reach out to the websites linking to the original content and suggest they link to your enhanced version instead.

The goal is to leverage proven content topics and improve upon them, making your content a more valuable resource for those seeking quality links. So just how you have spent so much time making your kick ass products, you now can make kick ass content about those products and blow your competitors away.

Now, let’s talk about a sneaky little trick called broken link building. This strategy involves finding websites with broken backlinks pointing to 404 pages and offering them your killer content as a replacement. You can put on your digital ninja suit and stealthily maneuverer in to save the day by offering a quality link or link to fill the void left by their broken link. Just remember to be polite; you’re helping them out sure, but they don’t have to say yes. Also ensure your quality is great and not just phoned in as otherwise someone could come along and Skyscraper you or someone else might have also pitched at the same time as you with better material.

You can find broken links by doing the following

your keyword + “404 not found”
your keyword + “broken link”

High Authority Sites

Links from high-authority sites such as .edu (educational institutions) and .gov (government websites) are highly valuable for SEO because these domains generally have strong trust signals, high domain authority, and credibility in search engines like Google.

You can search for these kind of opportunities by doing the following.

  • Edu and Gov backlinks your keyword + “resources” your keyword + “resources”

Now that you’re armed with a treasure map of link building strategies, let’s chat about the role of ecommerce SEO. SEO is like the glue that holds your backlink profile together. The better your SEO, the more likely you are to attract quality backlinks that will elevate your ecommerce site. Think of SEO as your trusty sidekick, helping you navigate the battlefield of the internet and ensuring that your online business shines like the fire from an emperor dragon!

Optimising your product pages is crucial for attracting backlinks. Make sure your product descriptions are not only informative but also entertaining – after all, nobody wants to read a snooze-fest. Use catchy headlines, engaging images, and include relevant keywords throughout your content. This not only helps with SEO but also makes it easier for others to link back to your site. It’s like inviting people to your party with a fabulous flyer that they just can’t resist!

Understanding the Role of Keywords in Ecommerce SEO

Let’s not forget about keywords! These little gems are essential for driving traffic to your ecommerce site and attracting backlinks. Research relevant keywords in your niche and incorporate them naturally into your content. This way, when someone is searching for a product or service you offer, your site will pop up like a jack-in-the-box, and others will be more inclined to link back to you. Just remember, keyword stuffing is a big no-no; it’s like putting too much hot sauce on your food – it just ruins the experience!

When it comes to types of backlinks, quality trumps quantity. Sure, you might be tempted to get as many backlinks as possible, but if they’re all from sketchy sites, it could harm your ecommerce website’s reputation. Instead, focus on obtaining quality backlinks from reputable sources. It’s better to have a few golden links than a mountain of mediocre ones.

Identifying high-quality backlink opportunities is like hunting for treasure without a map. Look for websites that are relevant to your niche, have a high domain authority, and produce quality content. Tools like Ahrefs or Moz can help you find these gems. Once you’ve identified potential sites, reach out and propose a mutually beneficial relationship. Just remember to be charming and personable – no one wants to link to a grumpy website owner!

Finally, don’t overlook the power of social media for building ecommerce backlinks. Share your content across various platforms, engage with your audience, and encourage them to link back to your ecommerce site. Social media is like a giant megaphone that can amplify your message and help you reach a wider audience. Just be sure to keep your posts vibrant and engaging; nobody wants to read a dull update about your latest product!

Once you’ve started building those glorious backlinks, it’s essential to monitor and analyse your backlink profile. Tools like SEMrush and Moz can provide valuable insights into your backlinks, helping you track their performance. This is like having a personal trainer for your website, keeping you accountable and ensuring you stay on track with your link building strategies!

Next, assess the effectiveness of your link building strategies. Are those quality backlinks translating to increased traffic and sales? If not, it might be time to shake things up. Regularly evaluating your strategies will help you understand what’s working and what’s not – kind of like assessing your workout routine; if you’re not sweating it out, maybe it’s time to hit the gym harder!

Finally, don’t be afraid to adjust your strategy based on your backlink analysis. If certain types of content are getting more links, double down on those! If some strategies aren’t yielding results, it might be time to pivot and try something new. After all, the world of ecommerce is constantly evolving, and so should your link building tactics. So, buckle up and get ready for a wild ride as you build backlinks for your ecommerce site!